Satellite Phones

Communication plays an integral role in disaster management. Response and Recovery phase needs more information and communicative means. All conventional methods of communication including land phone and cell phone which connects through terrestrial network could be down during and post disaster period. Moreover, most mobile telephone networks operate close to capacity during normal times and large spikes in call volumes caused by widespread emergencies often overload the system just when it is needed the most. The satellite phone or satphone operate directly through geo-stationery satellite and therefore can avoid this problem and provide failsafe communication in any eventuality.

OSDMA has 58 numbers of INMARSAT hand held ISAT Satellite Phones and placed with the key disaster managers at the State and District levels. Officers can move to the disaster site with the satellite phone and restore connectivity if other modes of communications have been disrupted or not available.

  • All the 30 District Collectors have been provided with INMARSAT ISAT hand held Satellite phones.
  • Two INMARSAT ISAT phones to 10 ODRAF unit has been provided.
  • One INMARSAT ISAT hand held Satellite phone has been set up in the State Emergency Operations Centre in the office of the Special Relief Commissioner.
  • One INMARSAT ISAT hand held Satellite phone provided to Police Commissionarate and Fire Service
  • Five sets are kept with OSDMA to be provided to Chief Minister, Chief Secretary Office during any disaster or disruption of terrestrial communication.

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