Disaster Resilient Housing


In the post Phailin scenario, World Bank Mission visited Odisha during October-December-2013 for assessment and need of the post-Phailin impact i.e. specially on life, property and livelihoods of the affected areas of the districts of Ganjam, Khurda and Puri. Due to Government of India intervention, the World Bank, based on the finding of their visit, agreed to extend assistance for disaster recovery and future risk reduction.

Around 30,000 disaster resilient houses have been taken up under ODRP within 5 KM from the High Tide Line (HTL) in Ganjam, Khurda and Puri districts. For the purpose, a policy guideline and ToR has been adopted for Owner Driven Construction of Houses (ODCH) @Rs3,00,000/- (Rupees Three lakhs only) per house. This amount would be provided to each beneficiary for construction of about 300 sq. ft house (One bed room, one drawing-cum-bed room, kitchen and toilet) having other facilities like electricity and water supply facilities.

Houses are being constructed by the beneficiaries either “In situ” or “Re-location” depending on availability of suitable land.

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