What are the projects (including amounts involved) executed through OSDMA under World Bank funding and the amount involved?

  1. Raising/ strengthening/ renovation/ construction of embankment, spurs, sluices, etc.: (Rs.109.61crore)
  2. Flood embankment – 877 km
  3. Canal embankment  – 332 km
  4. Spur     – 82 Nos.
  5. Sluices – 19 Nos.

      2.   Roads repaired / renovated: (Rs.105.71crore)

  1. Works Department – 275 km
  2. R D Department – 448 km
  3. Urban road under H & UD Dept. – 85 km 

      3.   Water Supply: (Rs.9.19crore)

  1. Installation of pump sets, construction of bore wells, tube wells and laying of pipe lines in
  2. Urban locations – 20
  3. Rural locations – 64

      4.   Cyclone Shelter constructed- 37 (Rs.18.32 cr.)
      5.   Agro Service Centres set up- 500 (Rs.10crore – subsidy)

  1. Total expenditure including expenditure on project management – Rs.269.95crore
  2. Amount reimbursed by WB- Rs.222.12cr. 

Portion of a few works which could not be completed under with World Bank project in the stipulated project closure period have been completed with CRF assistance.

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