IEC activities.
- Short video films have been prepared for awareness development of common people on Heat Wave, Cyclone Shelter Management, Healthcare & Sanitation, Food & Nutrition, Community Based Disaster Preparedness and Orissa Disaster Rapid Action Force (ODRAF), Management of Floods and Embankment Construction.
- Two short films comprising three episodes each on Search & Rescue and First Aid techniques have been prepared for training purposes.
- Posters leaflets and booklets with information and safety tips relating to different hazards and earthquake resistant design and construction of buildings, have been prepared for information of people.
- A book titled, “Bipatti, Biparjaya O Suraksha” in Oriya and “Understanding Hazards, Dealing with Disasters” in English has been brought out for the reference of students.
Massive awareness campaign on flood preparedness including safety tips (Do’s & Don’ts) and relief entitlements were released four phases during Mahanadi Floods, 2008.