State Institute of Disaster Management


Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) recognized the need to establish an Institute with Training, Research and Design facilities, so that more personnel may be adequately trained to support the community during times of such disaster, for a faster swifter and effective Disaster Response & Management. The proposed State Institute of Disaster Management is being developed by OSDMA for capacity building, as a part of the World Bank funded ODRP project.

The proposed institute will provide the platform to a spectrum of aspirants like students, scholars, researchers for research & design activity in addition to capacity building & skill upgradation of the response forces, volunteers, administrators, policy makers thereby ensuring effective disaster response and management. For dealing with disaster Emergencies, the Institute shall also host an Emergency Response Centre as the nodal point for managing Relief & Response Operations as well as carrying out post disaster restoration & rehabilitation activities.

The Institute is planned as a sprawling campus of 17 acres within the campus of The Revenue Officers’ Training Institute (ROTI) at Ghotapatna, Bhubaneswar. The Campus is being designed to be ECBC and GRIHA compliant with an approach to sustainable design to make the buildings the first Five Star Griha rated Building in Odisha. The entire Campus shall be planned on a Zero discharge model with no water being drained outside the Campus ensuring reusing in totality the water consumed through STP and recycling as recommended in the ECBC norms. Modern techniques like drip Irrigation for plantations and controlled sprinklers for lawns are also proposed for maintenance of the campus.

This Campus has been designed on a specialized Zone creation basis for most effective Training to its inhabitants. These zones include the Institutional Zone, the Training Zone and the Residential Zone. All the features of the Institute campus are effectively distributed in each of these zones, with enough space for future expansion, locations for art work installation relating to natural disaster mitigation, culture of Odisha, all over the Campus to create a sense of identity for the campus.

The main Institute Building houses the administrative facilities for Training including Classrooms, Museums, Library, Administration and Emergency Response Centre. Annex building shall be added to this in phase II of the project, which will house a state of the art auditorium for 250 persons, fully equipped with facilities and infrastructure conforming to international standards. The public interface in this building is limited to the Ground Floor housing Disaster Museum with its state of the art facilities, the Café and Dining Halls.

The academic block occupies the first floor with seminar rooms, research facilities along with video conferencing and emergency operation centre, as well as, faculty and researcher rooms.

The Administrative Component including the Director’s Rooms and the Library is placed on the Second Floor facing the terrace garden from where one can experience a magnificent view of the full Campus.

The Architectural Design of the Building is based on the contemporary look and feel to the Building with maximum natural daylighting inside through the large glass openings on the front side.

The Building shall be equipped with a 24×7 Power Supply provided by the state run power supply, backed up by DG sets and UPS provisions for essential supplies like AV, IT network and Emergency Lighting to keep the Building operational under all circumstances. The Building is centrally Airconditioned with the most energy efficient VRF Air Conditioning and equipped with Lighting control based on Motion Sensors and timers for managing optimum utilization of power.

The facilities for specialized training have been located near the Heliport in the North, and huddled up together in a single zone. All kinds of Training for simulating Building Rescue, Rescue from Collapsed structures, Specialized Rescue Equipment Use Training, Rope Rescue training, Rescue during Fire Fighting Training , Vehicle Maintenance and many more shall be conducted here.

This zone is visible from the entry to the campus. This allows for show casing of training activities to all the dignitaries and other visitors to the campus, thereby increasing awareness. The various components of the Props and other specialized Training facilities were studied from examples of best practices being followed globally for adopting a similar facility in this campus.

These include a six-storey Training Tower placed next to the steepest contours in the zone to maximize difficulty level for training exercises. This tower has interior and exterior stairways, and engineered anchor points for rappel and high angle rescue training, and building siege rescue training.

Adjacent to the Training Tower, a 30m x 30m Simulation Field, in a pit format, has been created and is planned to be filled with debris for providing very specialized training for Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue Services as per the International Trainer’s Programs.

An Artificial Climbing Wall, three storeys high, with natural features such as slabs, off vertical walls, overhangs, arêtes, crack lines, flakes, etc. has been provided near this.

Five Workshop sheds, connected with a covered walkway, are provided near the Collapsed Structure Search and Rescue Structure Simulation Field, for providing training on Equipment use and repair etc. as required for supporting Rescue Missions for saving lives during disasters.

The flattest portion of this zone selected for the open Field for specially designed simulation exercises. This large, flat open field 100m x 80m, can also be used for On-campus formal ceremonies and events. For this purpose, an in built seating facility has also been provided on one side of it.

This zone includes the Hostel Block which shall provide for comfortable accommodation for the Trainees and the Trainers, with about 104 Rooms with panoramic views of the Campus on twin sharing basis. The Hostel Building shall be most modern with a fully equipped Kitchen and Laundry facilities and shall be equipped with 24×7 Power Supply provided by State run Power Supply backed up by DG sets for all areas except Air Conditioning. Specially designed rooms for handicapped persons are also provided on each floor.

This block also includes a Guest faculty wing on the second floor for International Faculty, that is likely to support the Institute on a regular basis, with an exclusive terrace of its own. Each Guest Faculty room consists of a lounge, a bedroom, a pantry, toilet and dresser, and two independent balconies.

As a part of the Master Plan, Staff Housing has been provisioned for, and shall be taken up in Phase-II of campus expansion. This includes a Directors Residence and 10 each Staff Quarters for Staff Accommodation levels 1, 2 & 3. While the Directors Residence will have a front and rear garden for luxurious bungalow living surrounded by landscape for sufficient privacy from the adjacent housing and other buildings, the Staff Quarters will have adjacent play areas and gardens, at walkable distances, and a Jogging/ Cycling path running around the site under the cover of the existing trees.

These buildings also have provision for Future Expansion of each level of housing unit. The Staff Quarters units on the ground floor have been designed with ramps for ease of entry for the physically handicapped and use of sensory pavers for the visually impaired.

A Shopping facility surrounded by evening sit out spaces serving as a pavilion, next to the large simulation field shall be sufficient to support all the basic needs of the residents on the Campus.

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