The Odisha State Disaster Management Authority (OSDMA) is working with different stakeholders for sustainable development practice that will reduce disaster risk and increase the wellbeing and safety of the people.

To build Odisha Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation capabilities with our partners and coordinate response and recovery operations in order to protect the people, environment and economy and ensure a disaster resilient Odisha.


Shelters Created


ODRAF Units Formed


Volunteers Created

480   KM

Coastline covered under EWDS
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Success Story

Radha Reborn: Two-and-a-half-Year old Radha Res...

“Incidents and disaster may occur anywhere, anytime, with any one –...

Tsunami Mock Drill- IO Wave 2011

Tsunami Mock Drill (IO Wave 2011) conducted in Tsunami Prone Villag...

Rajkanika Tornado Disaster Management, 31st Mar...

A tornado accompanied with wind speed of about 250 kmph, thundersto...

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